2016 动作片 法国
娜塔莉(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)是一名哲学教师,和丈夫汉斯(安德烈·马孔 André Marcon 饰)结婚数十年,两人共同养育了两个孩子,日子过得平静而美满。某日,汉斯忽然和娜塔莉坦白,自己在外面有了情人,不仅如此,他还打算从家里搬出去和情人同居,虽然娜塔莉表面故作镇定,但内心却遭受了强烈的打击。娜塔莉的母亲(爱迪丝·斯考博 Edith Scob 饰)曾是一名当红模特,如今却饱受抑郁症的困扰,三番五次自杀未遂,无奈之下,娜塔莉只得违背了母亲的意愿,将她送进了养老院。与此同时,娜塔莉听从她曾经的学生法比安(罗曼·科兰卡 Roman Kolinka 饰)的建议前往法比安与他朋友们在山上所建立的公社。©豆瓣
2020 动作片 极寒
1960 动作片 筋疲


2008 动作片 动作

特工布莱恩(利亚姆·尼森 饰)深爱着女儿凯姆(麦琪·格雷斯饰),却由于工作的原因难以给予她日常的父爱,失望的妻子带着女儿改嫁他人。退休后,见识过太多黑暗势力的布莱恩生怕女儿受到伤害,费尽心力的守护她却也因此带给凯姆种种束缚,引发了父女间的矛盾。

2015 动作片 飓风
前任特工布莱恩·米尔斯(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)在经历了连番家庭保卫战之后,如今貌似平静的生活仍然暗流涌动:女儿金(玛姬·格蕾斯 Maggie Grace 饰)怀孕却不敢告知他,前妻莱诺蕾和丈夫斯图尔特(多格雷·斯科特 Dougray Scott 饰)并不完美的生活令她重新考虑布莱恩,而斯图尔特登门要求布莱恩不再纠缠莱诺雷……不久,布莱恩惊讶的发现莱诺雷死在了自己的床上,被警方列为头号嫌疑人的布莱恩只能依靠暴力脱身,并在警局局长多泽勒(福里斯特·惠特克 Forest Whitaker 饰)的布置中逃亡,以便查出真凶。很快,布莱恩发现前妻的死与斯图尔特和俄罗斯黑帮的交易有关,而金可能成为下一个受害者……
2018 动作片 筋疲
2015 动作片 国际
在布达佩斯的某豪华酒店举行世界国际象棋比赛。Cal Fournier,22岁,法国国际象棋冠军,不成熟的天才型选手。第一天比赛,就因宿醉迟到,昏睡赛场,临近比赛结束才醒来还能漂亮地击败对手。而一个不起眼的九岁匈牙利小男孩选手使原本波澜不惊的赛局泛起丝丝涟漪。7 jours de tournoi dans un grand hôtel à Budapest.Un favori : Cal Fournier, 22 ans, champion de France d’échecs, génie immature, programmé pour la victoire, combat ses adversaires avec une puissance impressionnante. Déconnecté du monde, Cal se noie dans les jeux et paris permanents avec sa petite amie Lou et ses acolytes Aurélien, Anthony et Mathieu.Mais un adversaire pas comme les autres va enrayer cette routine bien huilée…(allocine)
2004 动作片 法国


1976 动作片 决斗
Rivette is relatively precise in his dealings with meaning. He is the most atavistically ceremonious of the Vague, in the sense that his abstraction as a journey leading inwards is always attended by signs and codas that affirm our passage. The transcendent rite of passage, in more ways than one, is about the symbolic enactment that paves the way. The transcendence itself is left to our sphere of experience, but we're at least brought to the doorstep. Oh, there's the improvisational flow that seems to throw people off, that things seem to be randomly bubbling up from nothing without significant plan or substance. The chance encounters in a world that we may recognize, the geography vaguely familiar whose nature is yet ultimately insoluble. There's a lot of that here. As in Celine, it is the breathing space that conducts our preparation to step beyond the mechanisms of reason. We don't reason with it, rather trust its intuitive flow. Like the dream world, it is only the figment of the known world spontaneously arisen as a stage or blank slate for the atavistic portents and divinations of the subconscious mind to be writ. But the rite of passage matters, in spite of the seemingly aimless wandering. Here it is about human effort to bypass the 'wall of paradise' constituted by the coincidence of apparent opposites (good and evil, light and dark, being and non-being). A barrier that obscures vision and traps in a world of names and forms that is only an apparent reality. Rendered in the film as twin goddesses of sun and moon, vying for a precious stone that enables their descend into the human world. The human characters are mere pawns to their schemes; to be seduced, tricked, threatened, or ultimately destroyed. Twin femme fatales, weaving spells in an inverse noir universe magnified into a macrocosmic struggle. The ill-prepared man who chances to steal a glimpse of them in their true form, like in the myth of Actaion who steals upon the Greek goddess Artemis bathing naked in a pool, has his consciousness shattered by the revelation. His mirrored image (the soul, the reflected half) is cracked. The woman who finally shatters the illusionary duality that quarantines human consciousness into meaningless dilemmas, does so by a sacrifice of blood. And this is the problem of the film. So much of it is a stridently symbolic enactment, a matter of ceremony. The sacrifice is, quite literally, a matter of spilling blood upon the symbolic stone and does not flow from anything - it is simply the schematic end of the spiritual myth. Although valuable as insight, the meaning of the film is trapped inside the rituals performed to signify it. Having cracked the outer shell to absorb it, the film seizes to resonate.
2013 动作片 交叉
  一对夫妻在摩洛哥度假(亚力山大饰演妻子,格里奥饰演丈夫),而妻子密谋借助情人之手谋害丈夫,故事围绕此展开。当她的情人和丈夫在一个偏僻的沙漠公路上遇到了车祸时,整个计划被打乱了。他们从沙漠十字路口的连环撞车现场逃离,与一群车祸中的幸存者遭遇,包括一名被通缉的走私犯,一名便衣警察,一名绑匪,一个婴儿和一名不知情的澳大利亚人。他们踏上欺 骗和反欺骗的旅程,在丹吉尔的露天市场故事情节达到了高潮。
