2018 剧情片 无主
该片由塞巴斯蒂安·科赫、汤姆·希林、葆拉·贝尔出演,源于真实事件,讲述艺术学生Kurt Barnert爱上了同学Ellie Seeband,Ellie的爸爸Carl Seeband却不喜欢他,但他们的命运仍被多年前一起可怕的罪行联系在了一起。事关Barnert的身世:他是从东德逃往西德……
2018 剧情片 未能
  As a divorced father of two teenage daughters, with a head-strong ex-wife for a best friend, too many peculiar patients to keep up with and a new dog, psychotherapist Max certainly doesn't need another challenge. But when Sophie, a compulsive gambler with a boyfriend problem, regularly shows up late for her appointments, she rocks his world in ways he's not ready for.
