2015 剧情片 战争
  连长Claus M. Pedersen率领着他的士兵驻扎在阿富汗的一个省。远在丹麦,Claus的妻子Maria的生活也遇到了很多的烦恼。丈夫在很远的地方参加战争,让她提心吊胆,而且孩子们也哭闹着想见到自己的父亲。在一次看似寻常的任务执行当中,士兵被困在了火力凶猛的包围圈之内。为了拯救他的士兵,Claus做出了一个会给他自己以及他的家庭造成难以想象后果的决定。
2015 剧情片 丈夫
  The Husband Factor is the story of Efsun (30) who seeks true love and a romantic relationship rather than a husband. She is the black sheep of her peers and the women of her family who are programmed for marriage. She is seeking love yet she does not know what most girls know; how to strike an attitude, or how to manipulate a man. Hence, she has not had a single steady relation...
2015 剧情片 追寻
  Two Kurdish little people in Iraq risk their lives to fulfill their dreams and that is to meet football hero Cristiano Ronaldo.
