2022 剧情片 惊悚
A small town crime thriller set in rural Missouri about two estranged half brothers that kidnap the lead witness against their incarcerated father in order to prove his innocence.
2023 剧情片 剧情

When a woman is attacked in her short term rental, the company's Clean-Up Team steps in to help her pick up the pieces. But she soon finds that they might not be who they say they are.

2023 剧情片 惊悚

据国外媒体报道,陪伴一代人长大、风靡全球的游戏《俄罗斯方块》(Tetris)要被搬上大银幕啦!Threshold娱乐公司日前正式宣布,他们将把这款老少咸宜的电子游戏改编成一部大型史诗科幻电影!   Threshold娱乐公司的CEO拉瑞·卡萨诺夫(Larry Kasanoff)表示,他们的计划是把“俄罗斯方块”打造成一个娱乐品牌,不仅会拍电影,还会推出其他媒体产品,以及同名主题公园。

