2022 剧情片 剧情


1988 剧情片 剧情

??? ?? ?? ??? ??? 10? ??? ?? 3?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ????? ????. ??? ?? 4?? ????? ??? ????? ???, ?? ? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ?????. ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??? ????. ???? ??? ??? ??? ??, ?? ?? 10? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ??. ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????, ??? 2?? ? ???? ?? ?? ??? ????.   在朝鲜时代成宗的脚步deunggeukhan操作10次冲突本能地渴望母爱为母亲pyebi面临加冕3个月历史纪...

1987 剧情片 历史

The sudden execution of his mother leaves a deep scar on the psyche of young Prince Yeongsan. When he ascends to the throne, he becomes attracted to a woman based on her resemblance to his mother. She uses his love and mother-fixation as a means to empower herself. She become more tyrannical and mad with power while he slips into insanity.

