2023 剧情片 剧情

  Aïssa Saïdi, a young, 23-year-old police officer of Algerian origin who dies during an initiation ritual for the prestigious Saint-Cyr French military school. His big brother Ismaël - the black sheep of the family - finds himself taking the lead on the funeral arrangements... The film is based on a personal tragedy experienced by the director himself in 2012.

2015 剧情片 流浪
  该片讲述在斯里兰卡,内战已经快要结束,无数难民等待着离开这片被战火摧残的土地。为了更容易申请政治庇护,年轻的女人雅丽妮(Kalieaswari Sriniv饰)、曾经效力泰米尔猛虎组织的战士迪潘(杰苏萨桑·安东尼萨桑饰)和9岁的失去父母的小女孩伊莱娅(Claudine Vinasitha饰)冒充一家人,来到法国巴黎近郊开始了新生活。迪潘在这片贫民聚集的郊区找到了一个公寓管理员的工作,不会法语的雅丽妮也在一户人家做家政,“女儿”伊莱娅则进了附近的学校。生活看起来在往好的方向发展,但充斥着暴力、毒品、犯罪
