2015 剧情片 炙热
拉妮、拉荞和碧琪丽是拉贾斯坦乡间的三个好姐妹。拉妮三十出头却守寡多年,她为儿子古拉布的婚事不惜债台高筑,而古拉布则是个败家子,只知每日胡作非为;拉荞婚后一直未能生育,她的酒鬼丈夫常常对她拳脚相加;碧琪丽是流浪舞团的花魁,同时也操持着皮肉生意,老板曾拿她的身体当作摇钱树, 如今却将她冷落。在十胜节的夜晚,饱受折磨的三个人终于下定决心,结伴踏上了寻找乐土的道路。
1997 剧情片 坠入
The Kapoors are a wealthy family. There is grandpa Kapoor; Grandma Kapoor; their son Kailashnath Kapoor, and his daughter Ashi. As Ashi has come of age, the Kapoors are now on the look-out for a suitable groom. They meet with the Malhotras, as Mr. Malhotra has been a childhood friend of Kailashnath, and his wife. Their son, Rohit Malhotra, has also come of age, and they would like to marry Ashi with Rohit. Kailashnath tells his parents about this, and they all approve of the match. Ashi is very headstrong and wants to check out Rohit, and she travels to Switerland, where Rohit has a garment business. There she meets with Bobby Oberoi, and mistakes him for Rohit Malhotra. Bobby and Ashi fall in love with each other. Bobby makes a clean breast of the misunderstanding. The Kapoors meet with Bobby's mom, Gayetri Oberoi (Beena), and a marriage date is set. Shortly before the marriage, the Police investigate a large sum of money by Kailashnath... Written
