1980 恐怖片 悬疑

居住在纽约的女诗人罗丝?伊利亚特(Irene Miracle 饰),某日在古书店买到一本由拉丁文写就的建筑类书籍。书中称这个世界上曾存在三个邪恶之母,它们四处散播恐怖与痛苦,最后分别为建筑师镇在罗马、纽约以及德国的弗莱堡的三个建筑中。罗丝怀疑她所居住的公寓便是书中提及的一处,她一面写信向远在罗马的弟弟马克(Leigh McCloskey 饰),随后自己则只身走入地下室一探究竟。   收到信的马克与姐姐通话,然而电话却突然中断。他连忙赶至纽约,得知姐姐业已失踪。不得已,马克开始四处打探关于这本古书背后的秘密……

1962 剧情片 剧情

这部半记录片描写一个传奇式的西西里黑帮首领的生平,从他1950年全身中弹闪回到之前的各个生涯片段。影片记录了1945年到1951年间Salvatore Giuliano的匪徒反对官方警察的战争,也记录了他反对左派,工会和共产主义人民党的活动。人民党1947年“五一”大会就被Giuliano手下的人破坏的。

1972 剧情片 剧情

剧情:母子乱伦 (不是继母 是亲母子)   相依为命的孤儿寡母,渐渐长大的儿子和其他女人相处时,母子间的矛盾、情欲开始决堤!

1965 剧情片 剧情

The famous writer Bernard travels to a small town nearby a lake to spend vacation out of season in the winter. He check in an old hotel owned by Enrico and his daughter Irma expecting to meet the maid Tilde, from whom he had a crush last time he visited the town. However, he discovers that Tilde has committed suicide and when he meets the local photographer, Bernard learns that...

2022 恐怖片 剧情

On the run from his former employer, a reluctant hitman seeks refuge in an isolated village where he is faced with events that test the true nature of his conscience.

1975 恐怖片 悬疑

意大利最伟大恐怖大师达里奥.亚金托(《阴风阵阵》)执导的经典悬疑恐怖片 。一个在罗马的英国音乐家在一本神秘的鬼怪书中读到关于他邻居如何残忍被杀的过程,他前去拜访该书的作者,发现她也成了谋杀的牺牲品。音乐家在解开谜团的过程中,经历了许多奇异而恐怖的事情。影片的形式感非常强,无论是令人心跳的摇滚乐还是恐怖气氛的营造,都十分到位。意大利的完整版比其他版本多出20多分钟,其中包含了更多的血腥暴力场面。

1973 恐怖片 悬疑


1975 恐怖片 悬疑

In this sci-fi chiller, a young woman's peace is shattered when she begins hearing loud screams in her head. They are the agonized wailings of an astronaut deliberately marooned upon the moon by a double-crossing experimenter. Soon the woman becomes possessed by the astronaut.

1982 恐怖片 悬疑

不夜城纽约,光怪陆离,夜夜笙歌,人们陶醉在美酒佳人的梦幻世界中,早已忘却躲在黑暗处的隐隐杀机。   某晚,一名妓女被人残忍杀害,警官弗瑞德?威廉姆(Jack Hedley 杰克?海德雷 饰)负责调查此案,在问询女房东(Babette New 贝比特?纽 饰)时,得知死者在前一晚上曾和一名有着公鸭嗓的神秘男子交谈。不久后,被害者不断增加,且都是年轻女性,死状恐怖。威廉姆认定这是一起疯狂的连环杀人案。未免引起混乱,警方严密封锁消息,威廉姆只能单枪匹马追寻真正的凶手……

1983 恐怖片 悬疑

A killer stalks a composer staying at a posh Tuscany villa while writing the score to a horror film which has an incriminating clue to the killer's identity.@www.molikan.com

1971 恐怖片 悬疑

Duccio Tessari's rare Giallo starring Helmut Berger, Giancarlo Sbragia, Evelyn Stewart, Silvano Tranquilli & Carole Andre. A young student is murdered in a park by an unseen assailant during a heavy thunderstorm. The murderer makes his escape, but is identified by a number of people at the park exit. A sports presenter from a local TV channel, Alessandro Marchi, is quickly arre...

2017 恐怖片 悬疑

Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey, a journey that will lead him to discover that his nightmare...

1973 恐怖片 悬疑


1966 恐怖片 悬疑


1972 恐怖片 悬疑

A blind pianist tries to figure out who is responsible for a string of murders using a black cat with its caws dipped in curare.

