黑帮洪兴社与敌对帮派谈判破裂,双方大打出手。洪兴老大李坤混乱中被刺,重伤身亡,社团顿时一团混乱。留学并定居美国的李万豪(周润发 饰)携妻儿回港为父奔丧,在众老叔苦苦哀求下无奈出任龙头一职。虽生在黑社会家庭,但万豪自幼不参与社团事务,更对江湖上的规矩与利害一无所知,因此一系列改革举措招来了其他帮派的攻击与不满。决意返美的万豪推举老成持重的谢胜(陈惠敏 饰)担当老大,此举却引来少壮派头目杨港(张耀扬 [展开全部]
Pola is at the peak of popularity - at the age of only 22, she fills the halls at her concerts and is extremely successful in the music industry. One day, after one of her performances, the girl, under the influence of alcohol, causes a car accident. To silence the matter, the star's father and manager places her in an addiction therapy and treatment center, where the singer is...
Japan is in the grip of a new drug: Golden Monkey. This mysterious substance not only gives the user boundless energy, but also changes its victims into shadow monsters – the perfect cannon fodder for fighting wars. In the animated sci-fi drama Battlecry, Haya hopes to put an end to this crisis. The World Bank employee is helped in this by Soji, a soldier on leave with a troubl...
讲述了美国摄影师李·米勒(凯特·温斯莱特 Kate Winslet 饰)的故事。李·米勒以摄影记者的身份前往二战前线,执行揭露纳粹德国隐秘真相的任务。尽管女性记者面临重重困难,她还是拍摄了一些二战中最重要的照片,为此她付出了巨大的个人代价。
在泰国海边渡假胜地芭达雅,韩国兄弟泰京和在熙住在一所高级别墅裡,哥哥泰京因身怀重症到泰国养病,弟弟在熙则陪同照顾他,年轻男子旻杰的突然造访,却打乱他们的平静生活。原来在熙服役时认识了旻杰的哥哥旻勳并与他交往,在熙退伍后,旻勳在军中受到霸凌而选择自杀,旻杰对此耿耿于怀,于是前往泰国寻找在熙。 起初旻杰深信在熙必须对哥哥的死负责,但在朝夕相处后,他才发现在熙深爱著哥哥,更与在熙互生好感,爱意在热带幻夜中逐渐萌芽。知道自己来日不多的泰京,看出旻杰和在熙两情相悦却充满顾忌,进而想帮弟弟留住旻杰,内心却感到无法言喻的酸楚。互相抚慰的三人建立起一段微妙关係,他们必须透过瞭解、原谅与成全,才能走出自己的伤痛。
更多Pola is at the peak of popularity - at the age of only 22, she fills the halls at her concerts and is extremely successful in the music industry. One day, after one of her performances, the girl, under the influence of alcohol, causes a car accident. To silence the matter, the star's father and manager places her in an addiction therapy and treatment center, where the singer is...
Japan is in the grip of a new drug: Golden Monkey. This mysterious substance not only gives the user boundless energy, but also changes its victims into shadow monsters – the perfect cannon fodder for fighting wars. In the animated sci-fi drama Battlecry, Haya hopes to put an end to this crisis. The World Bank employee is helped in this by Soji, a soldier on leave with a troubl...
讲述了美国摄影师李·米勒(凯特·温斯莱特 Kate Winslet 饰)的故事。李·米勒以摄影记者的身份前往二战前线,执行揭露纳粹德国隐秘真相的任务。尽管女性记者面临重重困难,她还是拍摄了一些二战中最重要的照片,为此她付出了巨大的个人代价。
在泰国海边渡假胜地芭达雅,韩国兄弟泰京和在熙住在一所高级别墅裡,哥哥泰京因身怀重症到泰国养病,弟弟在熙则陪同照顾他,年轻男子旻杰的突然造访,却打乱他们的平静生活。原来在熙服役时认识了旻杰的哥哥旻勳并与他交往,在熙退伍后,旻勳在军中受到霸凌而选择自杀,旻杰对此耿耿于怀,于是前往泰国寻找在熙。 起初旻杰深信在熙必须对哥哥的死负责,但在朝夕相处后,他才发现在熙深爱著哥哥,更与在熙互生好感,爱意在热带幻夜中逐渐萌芽。知道自己来日不多的泰京,看出旻杰和在熙两情相悦却充满顾忌,进而想帮弟弟留住旻杰,内心却感到无法言喻的酸楚。互相抚慰的三人建立起一段微妙关係,他们必须透过瞭解、原谅与成全,才能走出自己的伤痛。